30 day exercise challenge

Day 11

3GxD ✏
5 min readMay 13, 2017

This is what time I woke up.

This is what I looked like when I woke up.

You’re listening to 104.5 MP3.
Enjoy that cup of coffee indoors because its raining cats and frogs.

A view from the window

I ❤ the sound of rain. I should move to the Pacific NorthWest.

Brushin’ dem teefs

Showertime Pt. 1

Shower thoughts @ 3:20

Showertime Pt. 2

Shower thoughts throughout

A Time to Walk

On Communication

Yeah, these videos are about me wanting to communicate throughout the day more. I am wishing and wanting to practice speech with my days.

Some ideas that popped into my head were:

  • Doing videos such as these
  • Skyping with a friend
  • Meeting a friend for coffee
  • Taking a public speaking class
  • Taking an acting class
  • Taking a dance class
  • Doing some sort of workshop/workspace

There are obviously pros and cons to this. The main benefit I see is growth. The main downside would be embarrassment that leads to some sort of feeling I have about myself. But really, honestly, I have nothing to lose. And it would be a fun way to share on here. Now that I think of it, it’s funny I posted a video of me brushing my teeth :D

As a Gemini, this is something that comes to mind. It would be a fun and interesting growth opportunity. I have been enjoying these walks, but I have been thinking of how I can step it up a notch. Put it into some form. I am thinking it would be fun and awesome to put it into a video. The videos above are nice but also to have a more cohesive editing video would be ideal.

I have shot and edited videos in the past. So, how could I make this something that feels good and new to me? Well, I’ve already mentioned it. By combining personal growth into it. By pouring my heart and soul into it. This would surely make my days more interesting. My only fear is if it feels new enough. I think I just need to dump that mindset and focus on the here and now and focus on the enjoyment of the fucking process. I don’t like to curse, I shouldn’t curse. But it does add emphasis :)

On Video

I think video is a wonderful medium. Like I said, I have shot and edited videos in the past. I am sort of proud of them. But I’m more excited about the possibility of this new project I am brewing up in my head.

What elements am I thinking of?

  • My consciousness displayed artistically
  • One shot for getting the thoughts out
  • Really good music
  • Interesting topics
  • Simplicity
  • Using my phone
  • GoPro POV (consciousness cam)
  • Experimental
  • Daily
  • Interviews

What are the fears I have for this?

  • Looking or saying something stupid
  • Embarrassment and harassment on and offline.
  • Putting myself out there is scary
  • Me looking at these videos and being self-crticial
  • Being boring
  • Not having anything interesting to say
  • Looking at the videos and seeing how I’m a poor communicator

Fuck it

Fuck these fears though. Honestly. I’m gonna die someday. Better to put it online for the World to see. After all we are made up of the same basic elements as the entire Universe. Yay Universe. You’re a funny friend, Universe.

A Time to Write

I also really like to write. I think it is also another great medium for expressing yourself. Anything that gets the thoughts out is okay in my book. I want to keep upping the anty so-to-speak. I want to not be able to stop writing. I want to have to stop myself. What I mean by this is I want my writing to just pour out of me. Instead of having to think of what to write I want it to be automatic. I want it just be a natural thing. I mean I do like to be up in my head. But I have done that way too much throughout my life. Just sitting or laying in bed pondering about life. Well, I want to experience life. More so, more importantly, what makes me happy as I’m sitting here writing this to you is that I want to put it into some type of form. I don’t know. Life can feel kind of boring sometimes to be honest, perhaps I am wrong. I just am thinking right now about what makes me happy. Or rather, I am happy just sitting here listening to music and typing these words seeing them appear on the screen and getting excited about hitting publish for people I don’t even really know to see and take whatever they wish to take from it blah blah blah ha ha ha. Basically, I want the 2 worlds to merge almost. What I mean is that, when I am out about in the World I get glimmers of hope and joy and sadness and everything and nothing. I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m sorry. I was onto something. It’s right there on the tip of my tongue.

TLDR: I want to record my life.

This isn’t even a new concept. Plenty of people do this. Why not me? For one, I think it’s about setting priorities. Like for example, when I think of doing boring things like looking for a job, I think would someone I admire do this? The answer is no. Why am I doing these things then? Some sort of fear in there for sure.

I want to play with my imagination and reality more.

