30 day exercise challenge

Day 2

3GxD ✏
3 min readMay 4, 2017

Today I woke up pretty early. I think it was around 6:20am. I pretty much got started right away after morning routine stuff like showering, etc. I woke up pretty easily. Right now it is 4:07pm.

Why am I writing this so late? Because I went a bit overboard haha. I had the intention of doing 2 Pomodoro’s of walking. I did that and then some…

1 Pomodoro = 25 min.

I was able to accomplish the 2 Pomodoro’s. I had bluetooth headphones in and walked around my neighborhood for 50 minutes. For some reason I decided to keep going. I wanted a bit of a reward at the end, so I decided to go to Whole Foods to get a cup of coffee. This was an additional 30 minutes I believe.

Along the walk I had various thoughts. I need to do a better job of documenting this but some of the things that popped up for me were:

  1. being alone
  2. enjoying the scenery
  3. money
  4. job

When I got to Whole Foods I did enjoy a coffee, but I really never was able to wake up. Let me clarify, my body was able to and my mind, but I was still wanting coffee and didn’t feel the energy. I did in my body though but not so much in my mind I suppose. More specifically, under my eyes and head hurt. It could also have something to do with not drinking water or eating food beforehand.

After my trip to Whole Foods I would have liked to take public transportation back to rest a bit but but decided to walk back. Yeah, so I must have done like 2–3 hrs of walking. Not bad but for Day 2 a bit much! Another thing is it would be nice to walk in nature as opposed to the city. I want to do this so I can relax a bit more and have my mind and body calm. I’ll have to find some spots for this. I did however enjoy taking photos after I finished my first 2 Pomodoro’s.

My walk back was okay. But like I said before, sometimes I would feel lonely. And at this point my phone was dead. So yeah, I walked back and eventually got home. At that point I was pretty beat and ended up taking a nap.

All in all Day 2 was a success but I think for Day 3 I am going to scale it back and work up towards 45 minutes or at least don’t go to far so I can come back at a reasonable hour.

Thanks for reading :) What did you think? What did you like/dislike? Any tips or advice. Much ❤

