30 day exercise challenge

Day 5

3GxD ✏
5 min readMay 7, 2017

7:40a out the door

9:23a sitting back here to write this 4 u

9:57a now

Okay, time to focus. I have headphones in. Fire crackling sound.

Today I walked around my neighborhood. Nothing new there. Can be seen as boring in the objective sense, but it wasn’t. There is always the new to explore. During the walk I decided to not have headphones in. My decision for this was to just take it in so-to-speak. It’s nice being able to listen to certain sounds and observe life. For example, I like seeing birds along the way. Saying good morning to my fellow humans makes me smile too. I like to observe beauty too. For this, I observe houses that are very big and beautiful. Next time, I will have to take some photos of some for you.

Another reason I didn’t have headphones in for my walk was because I wanted to observe my thoughts a bit. This can seem a bit daunting but I think in the general sense I felt a bit calmer. There are always worry that pop into our heads, but just being aware of them I think is the first step. It’s hard to describe verbatim what every thought was and why. But instead of noise from music or the internet, I just wanted to hear my own thoughts.

Yesterday I wanted to write a longer post such as this but my body just wouldn’t do it. A lot of that had to do with the amount I walked yesterday.

I had the pleasure of being joined by someone who is very special to me. Out of respect, I have decided to leave their name out of the story.

So this part of the post is a bit of a reflection of Day 4 combined with Day 5. At least, that’s what I’d like it to be :)

Day 4

shiny shoes

We started our walk around 7a I believe. I thought it was a nice change of pace to have someone to walk with. Instead of being in my head and walking alone, it surely was a nice difference there. To be able to converse while also starting the day off right, exercising, I don’t need much more.

We were walking and talking throughout my neighborhood.

We stopped to notice the flowers every once in a while.

I want every conversation to be a special one. I put a lot of pressure on myself. But I am reminded to not stress or worry about that sort of thing. I ought to just enjoy the experience. I’ll admit though, sometimes when staring at beauty there are just no words. I get nervous too though.

A lovely walk it was. After the first 25 minutes was up we got coffee at a coffee shop.

Sitting down and having the place relatively to ourselves and being just happy. I remember getting a bit down on myself because I wasn’t talking so much. This is something I think about when socializing a lot. But, like I mentioned before to not worry so much about that. I am in good company and that is all that matters.

I very much enjoy coffee conversations.

We stayed for a bit and then were on our way. We decided to explore the city a bit more.

We both feel a sense of calm around one another. It is a warm place to be.

The simplicity of exploring together I just love. We ended up at a bank and then another coffee shop :)

Same coffee, different location.

smiley smile man

At the coffee shop I woke up more and I felt my conversation was going better. It doesn’t matter, but I do enjoy when that happens. I thank the coffee and my coffee partner. Topics discusses were art, consciousness, hypnosis, cryptocurrency, and the mind. When I picture this in my mind I get filled with joy. One of my favorite things in life is just talking to someone. I suppose that’s why I would like always improve upon it. I tend to be very hard on myself and think negatively of me and what I’m doing sometimes. However, that has definitely improved over the years. There is always room for improvement.

Dealing with conversation, things I’d like to improve upon are:

  • rapport
  • retaining information
  • flow
  • recalling from memory
  • storytelling
  • ability to cover wide range of topics
  • in depth/long-form knowledge

I love humor in conversation. I love to make people laugh. I find this is the most fun.

After coffee we headed back. That pretty much concludes Day 4.

Day 5

There are always going to be swirling thoughts in my head. Although, I do recall these thoughts being rather calm. At least, calmer than normal I’d say. Although, I do remember waking up regretting going back to work. It was more than a regretful feeling though, it feels painful in a way. It’s nothing new, but its there. It’s sort of like just reminded of where I am and where I have been and for how long and that feeling is a weird one.

I know that complaining does nothing though. Writing helps. Action is better. I’l get there. I just need to not beat myself down so much in the process.

It’s difficult, or at leasth as been in the past, to calm down with anxieties and the like. This exercise challenge has definitely (albeit subtly) aided in that regard.


That sign from the Universe as I looked at the clock on my phone calms me.

The Universe has my back. I just need to have its as well.



(not necessarily new or in any particular order)

  • I have been craving more socializing. It’s always been a difficult thing for me being an introvert but also a gemini.
  • Concerned about time and where it is going
  • Survival needs (food, shelter, money)
  • Why I keep showing up to work
  • How long I’ve been at my current employment position
  • Comparing myself to others at my age (31)
  • Feeling like I’m a boring person
  • In fear of a unfulfilled day due to excessive free time

I think I am going to wrap up this post.

As far as my challenge, so far so good. We’ll see how Day 6 unfolds.

This post is also on steemit :)


